If I Were A Rich Man

If I were a billionaire, I would create three badges of honor. I would award a Silver Star to all healthcare workers, EMTs, and first responders who served during the pandemic. Essential workers who stayed on the job would get a Bronze Star. All people and companies who volunteered their time, money, and creativity to assist both our healthcare workers and victims of the pandemic would get a Commendation Medal.

A silver Star in the military is the third-highest award for valor. A bronze star is awarded for heroic service. A Commendation medal is awarded for meritorious achievement.

While we may not be able to present these brave and thoughtful people a badge of honor, we still have the ability to honor them. We can thank them for their service when we see them, and we can recognize them when we shop and when things get back to normal can remember and support the companies and people who gave of themselves to help others.

Originally posted on The Kensington Neighborhood Alumni Group on Facebook.

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